Sunday, December 2, 2007

Ceramic Santa...

Sorry no post yesterday, I was a busy bee at my mom's house. My mom for as long as I can remember has always made our Christmas decorations. She loves ceramics and has her own kiln. When I was a young girl I used to love painting stuff with her, but when I became a teenager I had "better" things to do. Last year, was Kylie's first Christmas, so I asked my mom if I could go with her to the ceramic shop to find something to make for Kylie. Needless to say I didn't finish my project. I forgot how much work went into cleaning and painting ceramics. Plus it had been almost 10 years since I had painted so it looked horrible anyways. So this year I decided that I wanted to give it one last try..I ended up painting two Santa's and a reindeer for Kylie. I went a lot slower with my painting-it took me almost 2 hours just to paint this Santa!


Bree mcconnell said...

amanda this looks amazing!!!!!! great job

nancy said...

Santa looks wonderful're a girl of many talents = ) !!!

Tracy said...

Wow the Santa looks awesome. Great job, wish I had the time!!!